Kindness in a Box: EPHAR 2024 Pill Donation Drive

We invite everyone to participate in a CSR initiative by either bringing medicines you no longer need (please ensure they are not expired) or purchasing new medications to place in the donation boxes within the congress area.

This initiative aims to collect essential pharmaceuticals that will be donated to those in need through the Social Pharmacy of the Municipality of Athens, ensuring better access to healthcare for vulnerable populations.

Join us in making a difference and supporting our community through the power of collective action.


Championing Sustainability for Society and Its People

Our Congress is dedicated to promoting sustainability and minimizing the environmental impact of our event. From planning to execution, we implement numerous measures to ensure a positive impact on both society and the planet.

Our Key Sustainability Measures:

  • Local Suppliers: Reducing long-distance transportation of goods and personnel.
  • Paperless Initiative: Minimizing printing for a nearly paperless environment.
  • Contactless Check-In: Streamlined check-in for delegates and visitors.
  • Energy Efficiency: Using LED lighting and screens to reduce energy consumption.
  • Selective Amenities: Limiting the number and variety to avoid waste.
  • Eco-Friendly Catering: Partnering with providers who have composting programs and use seasonal, regional food.
  • Green Transportation: Encouraging walking, public transportation (metro, hybrid buses, trolleybuses, trams).

Join us in making a difference and setting a sustainable example for all!